Johnson's Roadside Farm Market | 445 Market St Swansea, MA 02777 | 508-379-0349
We begin picking outdoor ground crops late May early June. Our crops are planted right through the spring and summer to ensure our customers have a steady variety of fresh fruits and vegetables throughout the year.
Throughout the growing season here is a full list of the fruits and vegetables we grown on our farm:
Green beans, wax beans, beets, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cucumbers, eggplant, escarole, kale, basil, leeks, iceberg lettuce, romaine lettuce, green leaf lettuce, red leaf lettuce, peas, bell peppers, radishes, spaghetti squash, summer squash, zucchini, golden rod squash, butternut squash, buttercup squash, hubbard squash, acorn squash, pumpkins, gourds, cherry tomatoes, grape tomatoes, plum tomatoes, large garden tomatoes, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, honeynut squash, delicata squash, heirloom variety pumpkins, carving pumpkins, white pumpkins, poblano peppers, cherry peppers, heirloom tomatoes, yellow plum tomatoes, San Marzano tomatoes and more.
Contact us today for information on the seasonal produce available, or for any questions you may have.